Colour Music

Livestreaming Piano and Guitar Meditation Concerts in 432 Hz

piano and guitar concerts in 432 hz

Livestreaming Colour Music ( Farbmusik ) Concerts

Colour Music ( Farbmusik ) has been created to achieve a harmonizing and healing effect with music. I improvise colors to the full moon on the piano and / or guitar. Through the light and the music colors can be experienced with all senses. The full moon / the lunar eclipse provide a mystical, multidimensional color - experience. In the first part of the concert current improvisations are played and in the second part the audience may wish for colors themselves.

Upcoming Livestream Concerts

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Previous Concerts

Livestreaming Event Hewlett Packard - Microsoft - ETH Zürich, Open Air Schlauer Bauer, Music-Pictures - Kulturmühle, Theatertage Aarau, Konzertreihe " Unterwegs " Kirche Seegräben, 15 jähriges Jubiläum Kulturverein Volkertshausen ( D ), Diplomfeier Kunsthochschule Luzern, Vollmondkonzerte 2011 Seegräben, Kultur Obere Mühle Dübendorf, St. Jakobs Kirche Zürich, Jecklin Forum Zürich, SMPV Musik um 5, Farbmusik Nacht - Prediger Kirche Zürich, Kultursommer 12 Pfedelbach ( D ), Venus Konzert Seegräben,Kulturherbst 12 Malans, Gate68 Solothurn, Ref. Kirche Egg, Steiner Schule Münchenstein